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時(shí)間:2013-08-15來(lái)源:博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:91boshi

Two post-doctoral positions in theoretical nanophysics

The Department of Physics and the Nanoscience Center at the University of Jyväskylä have openings for two postdocs working on condensed-matter theory.


The research carried out in this project is related to analyzing conduction of heat and entropy and their fluctuations in different types of electronic circuits. Possible topics include

- general theory of heat conduction and its fluctuations

- heat conduction in topological insulators or semimetals

- nonequilibrium effects in Josephson proximity circuits, or

- driven circuit optomechanics

The exact topic depends on the preferences of the person chosen for the position. All projects typically require both analytical and numerical calculations. We have a close collaboration with experimental nanophysics groups, especially at the Low Temperature Laboratory, Aalto University, but also elsewhere.

This position is funded by the European Research Council.

For further information, contact Tero Heikkila, firstname.lastname at jyu.fi.

Non-equilibrium many-body theory and time-dependent quantum transport

The research carried out in this project is concerned with the study of time-dependent phenomena in quantum transport through molecular junctions, with a focus on electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions. An important part of the project will involve the theoretical and numerical development of diagrammatic perturbation theory for non-equilibrium systems. Possible related topics include the coupling to quantized photons, or the development of connections to density functional or density matrix theory. An overview of the research activities in the research group can be found from the link:https://www.jyu.fi/fysiikka/en/research/material/theornanophys/quantum.

The position is funded by the Academy of Finland

For further information, contact Robert van Leeuwen, robert.vanleeuwen at jyu.fi


The contract will be made for two years, with possible extensions for a third year. The salary level for post-doctoral researchers is between 3400 and 3740 euros.


A PhD in theoretical condensed matter physics or equivalent on a topic of relevance is expected from the candidate. Alternatively, a certificate showing that the applicant will have his/her doctoral thesis evaluated before the start of the contract has to be presented. Very good knowledge of English and a demonstrated ability to publish scientific work is a mandatory requirement for the position. Experience on the theory related to the project topics is appreciated, but a demonstrated success in theoretical condensed matter physics in other fields is also sufficient.


Applicants are kindly asked to make their applications using the electronic form:https://www.jyu.fi/science/en/nanophysicspostdocs. Applications submitted before 31st August 2013 will definitely be considered, but you can also try to apply at a later stage.



