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時間:2013-08-22來源:博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:91boshi

As part of the research project “Shaping Cultures of Prediction: Knowledge, Authority, and the Construction of Climate Change” funded by the Danish Council for Independent Research (Humanities).

The project “Shaping Cultures of Prediction” examines the emergence of climate modeling as a culture of prediction in the formative period between ca. 1960 and 1985. It aims at investigating 1) how climate modeling emerged from a competition between different knowledge claims and epistemic standards to attain hegemonic status, and 2) how the use of climates models shifted from heuristic research instrument to application as a predictive tool for long-term climate prediction. See also the project website on http://css.au.dk/en/research/projects/cultures-of-prediction/

Postdoc position 1: Subproject “From heuristic to predictive climate simulation: Agendas in the modeling communities”

This subproject examines the shift from heuristic to predictive use of climate models and asks how climate models came to enjoy scientific authority as predictive tools. It will focus on investigating the work and impact of leading US climate modelers such as Stephen H. Schneider, William W. Kellogg and James E. Hansen in the period from about 1970 to 1985. This subproject will (1) help to illuminate the different interests, perceptions and practices within the climate modeling community, and the decisions they entailed, (2) explore the interaction of scientific and political interests in the climate modeling context, and (3) provide a better understanding of scientific, political and cultural sources of confidence and trust in climates models and their use as predictive tools.

Requirements for this position are:
• Several years of experience in the history of science. Experience in the history of atmospheric science, climatology or climate modelling will be an advantage;
• A very good command of English;
• The ability and willingness to spend time for archival research in the USA (and possibly other countries) and to pursue interviews;
• Experience and interest in collaborative research and international collaboration.

Expected start of the position: As soon as possible. The position will be filled for a project period of 2 years.

Postdoc position 2: Subproject “Negotiation of simulation knowledge: Responses from climatology”

This subproject examines the discussion and negotiation of new modeling approaches and knowledge by climatological communities in the UK, Germany and Scandinavia and will focus on leading climatologists. This subproject will (1) investigate responses to climate modeling by leading climatologists in Sweden and/or Germany such as Hermann Flohn and Richard T. A. Scherhag in Germany, and Hans W. Ahlmann, Carl-Gustaf Rossby and Bert Bolin in Sweden, and (2) prepare and organize a dedicated website to be hosted by the Center for History of Physics (American Institute of Physics) with the materials, sources and findings of the project.

Requirements for this position are:
• Several years of experience in the history of science. Experiences in the history of atmospheric science, climatology or climate modeling will be of advantage;
• A good command of either Swedish or German (or both) and the willingness to acquire sufficient language skills in the other language; additionally a good command of English is needed;
• The ability and willingness to spend time for archival research in Sweden and Germany (and possibly also Austria and Switzerland) and to pursue interviews;
• Experience and interest in collaborative research and international collaboration.

Expected start of position: approximately August 2014. The position will be filled for a project period of 2 years.

“Shaping Cultures of Prediction” is a collaborative research project between Aarhus University, the University of Stockholm and King’s College, London. The postdocs will be part of a research team based in Aarhus, and the working place will be the Centre for Science Studies at Aarhus University.

The Centre for Science Studies is one of the big university centers in the history and philosophy of science in Europe and the biggest in Scandinavia. Its research activities focus on the history and philosophy of contemporary science. For more information see: http://css.au.dk/en/.

Aarhus is located at the coast of the Baltic Sea in Jutland. It is the second biggest city in Denmark with about 300,000 inhabitants. With more than 40,000 students it is considered the youngest city in Denmark. It, has one of the largest harbors in Northern Europe, holds numerous historical buildings and cultural institutions and offers a rich cultural and student life.

For more information please contact: Associate Professor Matthias Heymann,matthias.heymann@ivs.au.dk.

Formalities and salary range

The Faculty of Science refers to the Ministerial Order on the Appointment of Academic Staff at Danish Universities under the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.

Further information on qualification requirements and job content may be found in the Memorandum on Job Structure for Academic Staff at Danish Universities.

Applications must be in English and must include a CV, a complete list of publications, all degree documents, one letter of recommendation, and two writing samples (articles, dissertation chapters, etc.). Please specify in your application letter whether you wish to apply to postdoc position 1 or to postdoc position 2 or both. The recommended level of detail.

Salary depends on seniority as agreed between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Confederation of Professional Unions.


All applications must be made online and received by 30/09/2013

Aarhus University offers an inspiring education and research environment for 44,500 students and 12,000 members of staff, ensuring results of a high international standard. The budgeted turnover for 2013 amounts to DKK 6.3 billion. The university’s strategy and development contract are available at www.au.dk/en.


