Computational Postdoctoral Positions Systems Biology & Personalized Medicine
Several wet-bench and computational postdoctoral positions are immediately available as part of an interdisciplinary research team using advanced high-throughput and analysis strategies including GENOME-WIDENEXT GENERATION SEQUENCING, and Computational technologies to determine how RNA regulates chromatin structure and gene expression in early development. The successful applicants will join the Krawetz group using a systems approach to determine how the delivery of sperm RNAs are essential to early development and their perturbation by environmental exposures modulate the Fetal Origins of Adult Disease. Self motivated individuals trained in molecular biology, genetics and/or biochemistry, bioinformatics or the reproductive sciences that are able to easily work in the United States are especially encouraged to apply. Applicants should forward their curriculum vitae and three letters of reference to: Professor S. A. Krawetz, C.S. Mott Center for Human Growth and Development, Wayne State University School of Medicine, 275 E. Hancock, Detroit, MI 48201. E-mail: WSU is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
RNA Delivery and the Nucleus:
• Sendler, E., Johnson, G.D., Mao, S., Goodrich, R.J., Diamond, M.P., Hauser, R., and Krawetz, S.A. (2013) Stability, Delivery and Functions of Human Sperm RNAs at Fertilization. Nucleic Acids Research 41:4104-4117. PMID: 23471003
• Krawetz, S.A., Kruger, A., Lalancette, C., Tagett, R., Anton, E., Draghici, S. and Diamond, M. (2011) A survey of small RNAs in human sperm. Human Reproduction. 26: 3401-3412
• Johnson, G.D., Sendler, E., Lalancette, C., Hauser, R., Diamond, M.P. and Krawetz, S.A. (2011) Cleavage of rRNA in ensures translational cessation to prepare sperm for fertilization. Molecular Human Reproduction. 17:721-726
• Johnson, G. D., Lalancette, C., Linnemann, A.K., Leduc, F., Boissonneault, G., Krawetz, S.A. (2011) The sperm nucleus: chromatin, RNA and the nuclear matrix. Reproduction 141 21-36. PMID:2087622
• Ostermeier, G.C., Miller, D., Huntriss, J.D., Diamond, M.P. and Krawetz, S.A. (2004) Delivering spermatozoan RNA to the oocyte. Nature 429:154.
• Krawetz, S.A. (2005) Paternal Contribution: new insights and future challenges. Nature Rev Genetics 6:633-642.
Epigenetics of Reprogramming:
• Harvey, A.J., Mao, S., Lalancette, C., Krawetz, S.A. and Brenner, C.A. (2012) Transcriptional Differences between Rhesus Embryonic Stem Cells Generated from In Vitro and In Vivo Derived Embryos. PLoS ONE7(9): e43239. PMID: 23028448
• Diego, O., Lever. E, Mao, S., Christova, R., Ogunkolade, B., Jones, T., Jarek, S., Aarum, J., Mumin, M., Pieri, C., Krawetz, S. and Sheer, D. (2012) CTCF binds to sites in the Major Histocompatibility Complex that are rapidly reconfigured in response to interferon-gamma. Nucleic Acids Res. 40:5262-5270. PMID: 22367884
• Johnson, G.D., Platts, A.E., Lalancette, C., Goodrich, R. and Krawetz, S.A. (2011) Interrogating the transgenic genome: Development of an interspecies tiling array. Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine. 57:54-62 PMID: 21214491
• Arpahahi, A., Brinkworth, M., Iles, D., Krawetz, S.A., Paradowska, A., Platts, A.E., Saida, M., Steger, K., Tedder, P. and Miller, D. (2009) Endonuclease-sensitive regions of human spermatozoal chromatin are highly enriched in promoter and CTCF binding sequences. Genome Research. 191338-1349.
• Linnemann, A.K., Platts, A.E. and Krawetz, S.A. (2009) Differential Nuclear Scaffold/Matrix Attachment Marks Expressed Genes. Human Molecular Genetics. 18:645-654 (cover feature).
• Martins, R. P. and Krawetz, S.A. (2007) Decondensing the protamine domain for transcription. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (U.S.A.) 104:8340-8345.
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