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時(shí)間:2013-08-22來(lái)源:博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:91boshi

At TU Dresden, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics, Institute of Applied Physics (IAP), Chair of Opto-Electronics (Prof. Dr. rer. nat. K. Leo) invites applications for a Postdoc (E 13 TV-L)
in the area of morphology of organic solar cells

The position is in the framework of the BMBF funded project MEDOS (Morphology and electronic properties of donor-acceptor interfaces in organic solar cells) and will be filled at the earliest possible date. It is initially limited until August 31st 2015 with the opportunity for extension. The period of employment is governed by the Fixed Term Research Contracts Act (Wissenschaftszeitvertrags¬gesetz – WissZeitVG).

The Institute of Applied Physics is one of the leading research institutes in research and development of organic optoelectronic devices. The doping technology for small molecule semiconductors, developed at the institute, allows fabrication of highly efficient organic light emitting diodes and photovoltaic cells.

Tasks: The successful candidate will be expected to participate and to take responsibilities in the investigation of development and characterization of organic solar cells including: preparation and characterisation of organic solar cells; morphology investigations of organic thin films based on XRD, AFMand electron microscopy; spectroscopy of organic thin films; supervising diploma, bachelor and master students; cooperation with project and industry partners; project-related administrative tasks.

Requirements: excellent PhD in physics or material sciences, good experimentally skills, interest in applied research, communicative team player, strong organisational skills, high self-motivation, excellent command of English and German language, excellent computer skills as well as ideally experiences in organic electronics and molecular physics and in project management.

For more information please visit the institute web page http://ppprs1.phy.tu-dresden.de or contact Mr. Christian Körner (e-mail: christian.koerner@tu-dresden.de).

Applications from women are particularly welcome. The same applies to disabled people.

Please send your complete application documents (cover letter, curriculum vitae, copies of relevant certifications, list of publications, reference list, etc.) – preferentially as pdf via e-mail – until 20.09.2013 (stamped arrival date of the university central mail service applies) to christian.koerner@tu-dresden.de(Please note: We are currently not able to receive electronically signed and encrypted data) or to: TU Dresden, Fakultät Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, Fachrichtung Physik, Institut für Angewandte Physik (IAP), Professur für Optoelektronik, Herrn Christian Körner, 01062 Dresden.



