Graphene is currently receiving considerable interest as it has lead to important scientific achievements and because it is promising for applications in several fields such as RF electronics, spintronics or chemical sensing. Despite considerable improvements, it is still not clear what will be the best method to produce graphene and which is the most appropriate substrate. The choice of the method will certainly depend on the application. In this context the advantages of graphene grown on silicon carbide are the large surfaces which can be covered and the high mobility that can be achieved. The main draw back of this technique is that no back-gating is readily possible contrary to graphene transfered on SiO2. This difficulty has recently been overcome by the possibility to implant a conducting layer in the substrate before graphene growth. We wish to employ a postdoctoral researcher to develop this technique in our lab and apply it to fabricate devices suitable for the various applications mentioned above and other more fundamental topics such as the study of superconductivity induced in graphene. The work will be done within a collaboration between CEA/Léti, the applied research institute of CEA and CEA/INAC, the basic research institute of CEA both located in Grenoble. The postdoctoral trainee will manage the implantation, the dopant activation thermal treatments, the graphene growth and the fabrication field effect transistors to characterize the implanted gates. The main objective of this project is to achieve functional and properly characterized gates that will then be available to CEA teams working in graphene research . The successful candidate will have a strong background in material science and device fabrication and possibly in condensed matter physics. Knowledge of ion implantation or graphene growth on SiC is a plus.