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時間:2013-09-05來源:博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:91boshi

Postdoctoral position in Bioinformatics


One postdoctoral scholar position is available immediately through Baylor College of Medicine at the Neurological Research Institute (NRI). The postdoctoral scholar will be a part of the laboratory of Dr. Huda Zoghbi at theNRI and be co-mentored by Dr. Zhandong Liu. Primary responsibilities include application and development of bioinformatics and biostatistics algorithms to process and analyze multiple types of high-throughput genomics, transcriptomic, and proteomic data. The successful candidate will also be expected to work closely with wet-lab bench scientist. This postdoctoral position is available as part of a four-year research project with specific goals of developing novel methods for integrative analysis of high-throughput genomics data on neurological diseases.


The candidate should have (1) a PhD in Bioinformatics, Biostatistics, Computer Science, Statistics or a related field, (2) strong mathematical/scientific programming skills in a language such as R or Matlab, and (3) experience with bioinformatics algorithms and large-scale data analysis. Proficiency in a language such as Python, JAVA, or C/C++ and/or experience with parallel programming is a plus. Some background in statistics, machine learning, and optimization is necessary, but the candidate will be given opportunities to expand their training in these areas, if desired.


The NRI brings together world experts in neuroscience, computer science, and applied mathematics to pursue collaborative, interdisciplinary basic and translational research on a variety of neurological and neurodevelopmental disorders. 
Website: http://www.nri.texaschildrens.org/index.aspx

Dr. Huda Y. Zoghbi is a professor in the departments of Pediatrics, Molecular and Human Genetics, Neurology and Neuroscience at Baylor College of Medicine. She is also an investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the director of the Texas Children’s Jan & Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute completed in November 2010. The laboratory uses genetic, biochemical, and cell biological approaches to explore the pathogenesis of polyglutamine neurodegenerative diseases, Rett syndrome and related autism disorders, and to study genes essential for normal neurodevelopment.

Website: http://www.bcm.edu/labs/zoghbi/

At the NRI, the laboratory of Dr. Zhandong Liu focuses on the integrative modeling of transcription and signaling pathway activation. The lab develops algorithms for the analysis of gene expression arrays and next-generation sequencing data, and is especially interested in addressing fundamental biological questions through machine learning and mathematical modeling approaches. 

Website: http://www.liuzlab.org/

Application Process: 

Please send a coverletter and CV via e-mail to zhandonl@bcm.edu or emperez@bcm.edu.


