The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) is the nation’s most effective environmental action organization. We use law, science and the support of 1.3 million members and online activists to protect the planet’s wildlife and wild places and to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all living things. NRDC was founded in 1970 and our staff helped write some of America’s bedrock environmental laws, including the Clean Water Act, and many of the implementing regulations; our water enforcement cases played a major role shaping current water policy throughout the country. Today, our staff of more than 430 lawyers, scientists, economists, policy and communications experts, and others, work out of offices in New York, Washington, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Livingston, Montana and Beijing.
Position Summary:
NRDC is seeking a two-year Climate-Health Science Fellow in our Washington DC office. The Fellow will be supported by NRDC’s Science Center, whose mission is to expand NRDC’s scientific capabilities and increase support for the role of science in public policy, and will work with NRDC’s Climate and Clean Air Program policy and campaign staff as well as NRDC’s health and climate scientists. The Fellow will analyze the current scientific research and data on the local impacts of climate change on human health in the U.S., and use geospatial analysis to portray the information in a compelling geographic representation that will be informed by our policy objectives.
The research projects the Fellow will pursue shall focus on examining and analyzing newly-accessible datasets and cutting-edge research on climate-health related effects and environmental indicators. A central reservoir of this information and data is the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP), a Federal program that coordinates and integrates global change research across thirteen government agencies. A key study is the USGRCP’s draft third National Climate Assessment (NCA) report that documents how climate change impacts regions and sectors across the United States, and society’s responses to climate change. The other principal new geographic resource the Fellow will explore is the comprehensive dataset available now from the federal Climate Change and Human Health Group through its launch of the Metadata Access Tool for Climate and Health (MATCH). The Fellow will manage the acquisition and aggregation of these and other climate-health geospatial and social data sources from disparate formats into a single geodatabase for visualization and analysis in desktop GIS applications and web-mapping applications.
The Fellow will develop maps and geographic tools that translate and expand on the information in the NCA report, and “connect the dots” locally to influence decision makers and inform some of the most climate-vulnerable communities. There will be an additional focus on Environmental Justice (EJ) concerns among the locations and communities bearing the greatest burden of climate-health effects.
Responsibilities will include producing data products that localize and individualize the information for targeted populations, including communities of color, low-income, underinsured, and health impaired. The products will be made available and useable for scientists, impacted communities, policymakers and members of the environmental and EJ communities. The Fellow will work with the NRDC advisory team to describe, interpret and disseminate the results. Finally, another part of the Fellow’s project work would be to partner with environmental justice (EJ) communities to select priority health vulnerabilities to map in up to 5 of priority communities, and develop a joint report with NRDC and EJ coalition partners as co-authors.
The Fellow’s work will result in one or more manuscripts for submission to peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journals, with the goal of publishing articles in the scientific literature. The Fellow will also use NRDC’s outreach capacity and its relationships with government decision-makers to communicate results as they are available. This will ensure that the Fellow’s work will be relevant to critical policy decisions soon after the beginning of her/his assignment.
The Fellow will be located in NRDC’s Washington, DC office. During the two-year fellowship, the Fellow will also participate in activities related to NRDC’s Science Center and receive additional guidance and mentoring from Science Center staff.
Interested applicants should submit a letter of interest, which addresses: (a) why the fellowship is desired; (b) how the candidate is qualified; © what project-related issues interest the candidate; and (d) how the candidate hopes the fellowship will affect her/his career goals. Applicants should also submit a resume, writing sample, and any example spatial analyses/maps that were conducted or developed by the candidate.
Required Qualifications:
• Ph.D. in Geography, or Climate-health science related field with strong GIS skills; Medical Geography specialty a plus.
• Strong technical skills using ArcGIS Desktop 10.
• Experience with metadata analysis, data conversion, cartography, and data quality control.
• Experience in scripting data management and conversion tasks.
• Ability to work effectively with minimal supervision and clearly communicate and interact in a small team environment.
• Excellent writing skills
Desirable Qualifications:
• Expertise and background in climate science with an interest in climate-health impacts.
• MPH would be beneficial.
• Background or interest in working on environmental justice climate-health concerns.
• Experience working with local community groups, EJ groups, industry, academia, NGOs, and state and federal government officials.
• Working knowledge of ArcGIS Server 10.
• Knowledge of open source mapping technologies, including GRASS, R, OGR/GDAL, PostGIS, and others.