Postdoctoral Research position in theoretical cold atom physics
A postdoc position for up to two years is available in the field of theoretical cold atomic physics at the Institute of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University. The starting date is as soon as possible after the application deadline: November 1, 2013.
The position is focused on the theoretical study of many-body properties of atomic gases. Specific research topics include strongly correlated atomic gases, superfluids, dipolar gases, and topological phases of cold atoms. The research is closely linked to current and future cold atom experiments and a goal is to suggest experimentally realistic methods to detect interesting many-body phases. The successful applicant can work directly with experimental groups abroad as well as locally in Aarhus.
The applicant will be part of a strong research environment at Aarhus University. This includes theoretical research groups investigating the many- and few-body properties of atomic gases, quantum optics and quantum information, as well as two experimental groups exploring Bose-Einstein condensates and atoms in optical lattices. For further information on cold atom research at Aarhus University, see
For more information on the principal investigator, see
The applicant must have a PhD degree in theoretical physics preferably with a strong background in many-body physics and/or cold atomic physics.
Formalities and salary
Salary depends on seniority as agreed between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Confederation of Professional Unions. Currently, the monthly salary is in the range 31800-33500 DKK (4250- 4500)