Postdoctoral Researchers
Outstanding, inquisitive scientists are invited to apply for postdoctoral positions in the Garrison lab. The focus of our research is to elucidate the role of different classes of bioactive peptides in essential biological processes. We combine biochemistry, cell biology, and genetics with behavioral neuroscience to address fundamental questions about signaling between neurons. In parallel, we are developing new pharmacological tools to study diseases that affect protein homeostasis. Successful applicants will be involved in defining their own research direction. We are particularly interested in candidates who are enthusiastic about using multidisciplinary approaches in their work.
Candidates must have a Ph.D. in a biological science or related field and a strong publication record.
The Buck Institute for Age Research is a non-profit biomedical research institute in Novato, located 20 miles north of San Francisco & Berkeley. The Buck Institute is the only independent institute in the U.S. devoted solely to research on aging and age-related diseases. Our mission is to increase the healthspan, the healthy years of life. Awarded a federal grant to establish interdisciplinary research in a new field called Geroscience, Buck scientists work in a unique, collaborative environment that allows scientists to initiate studies quickly and respond to new opportunities in fields such as stem cell research and regenerative medicine. The Buck Institute has excellent in-house proteomic, genomic and microscopy facilities. Our scientists represent a variety of complementary fields, including genetics, epigenetics, biochemistry, molecular biology, bioenergetics, age-associated disease; and technological disciplines such as genomics, proteomics, protein interaction networks and bio-informatics. The Buck Institute has an excellent postdoctoral research program. There are currently 200 employees, and plans to grow to 550 over the next decade. We offer competitive salaries, excellent benefits, dynamic work environment, and new state-of-the-art facilities. For more information
Please complete online application and submit your CV with a cover letter describing your research interests and contact information for 3 references.;jsessionid=82201B64907A97FC3C1E9E82883ADAE4.NA10_primary_jvm?org=BUCKINSTITUTE&cws=1&rid=411