We offer an exciting opportunity to work as project leader in the wheat molecular genetics laboratory of the University of California, Davis (postdoc or Project Scientist depending on experience). Our laboratory has cloned the major regulatory genes of the flowering pathway in wheat and barley (see publications at http://www.plantsciences.ucdavis.edu/Dubcovsky/). We are currently focusing in the interactions between phytochromes and photoperiod pathway. We have developed knock out mutants for all three wheat phytochromes and of multiple wheat flowering in a single tetraploid wheat background and already combined many of them. Our goal is to identify the genes and gene interactions involved in the phytochromes regulation of the photoperiod pathway in the temperate cereals. Components of this project include the combination and characterization of TILLING mutants, analysis of wheat transgenic plants, promoter dissection studies, RNAseq studies of PHY mutants and wild type lines, and characterization of genetic and biochemical interactions among flowering genes.
Applicants with a Ph.D. in plant molecular genetics will be given top priority. Knowledge of biochemical techniques is an advantage. Past experience with laboratory-based research in molecular genetics is required. Top applicants will have experience in plant genetics and flowering genes. Experience with temperate cereals is a plus. A postdoc / Project Scientist position is available immediately but the start date is flexible. Salary will be commensurate with experience ($45,000 to $60,000). The position includes full health insurance benefits. The appointment will initially be for one year and may be renewed annually for up to three years depending on performance.
Applications, including a letter of interest in the position, CV, and the names and contact information of three referees, should be emailed to Jorge Dubcovsky at jdubcovsky@ucdavis.edu in the Department of Plant Sciences at the University of California, Davis.