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時間:2013-09-23來源:博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:91boshi

Postdoctoral Positions Available to Study Developmental Neurobiology and Planar Polarity
Deans Laboratory, Division of Otolaryngology-H&NS and Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy, University of Utah

NIH-funded postdoctoral positions are available to study molecular and cellular mechanisms of planar polarity in the developing inner ear and retina at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. General laboratory interests lie in neuronal morphogenesis and polarity, and research topics include the stereociliary bundle polarity of vestibular hair cells, and dendritic patterning and polarization of retinal ganglion cells. These projects utilize combinations of neuroanatomy, genetically engineered mouse models and in vitro culture systems.

Beginning in November of 2013 the laboratory will be relocating to the University of Utah and we are seeking innovative, self-motivated researchers who are enthusiastic about launching a new research group. The lab will be located in the highly dynamic research environment created by the Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy in the recently renovated Wintrobe Building. Candidates should carry a PhD in the areas of developmental biology or neurobiology. Emphasis will be given to candidates with expertise in nervous system development though researchers using other developmental systems are encouraged to apply. Salary will be commensurate with prior research experience and NIH guidelines.

Additional details, including a research overview and list of recent publications, may be found at:

For consideration send a CV and list of references to Michael Deans (michael.deans@utah.edu).



