We are seeking to recruit a postdoctoral stage researcher in Epigenomics, at the Finnish Twin Cohort Study, Department of Public Health, University of Helsinki, Finland. We are providing an excellent opportunity to join the largest twin-based study investigating the epigenetic basis of multiple complex traits. Our team is conducting cutting-edge research developing new experimental and computational epigenomic tools to understand mechanisms of complex diseases and traits. The postdoctoral researcher by the Finnish Twin Cohort Study will benefit from interactions with our newly established EU-based EpiTrain network through joint research training and participation in meetings
We are looking for highly motivated postdoc with background in life sciences or bioinformatics, with excellent knowledge on epigenetics. The candidate should have the ability to work as a team leader, coordinate projects and supervise PhD students. Excellent written and oral communication skills in English are mandatory. We offer a great opportunity to work in one of the world’s largest twin cohorts studying a variety of complex disease and traits. Our epigenomic projects take advantage of the existing, well phenotyped and genotyped trait discordant MZ twin pairs from the Finnish Twin Cohort Study. We have genome wide DNA methylation array (Illumina’s HumanMethylation450 BeadChip) data available from 800 twins that have also been genotyped for GWAS projects and subsets have been studied by multiple different -omics platforms. The postdoctoral fellow will function as part of a team at the Finnish Twin Cohort Study working on epigenomics of common diseases and traits. As a junior team leader, the candidate will design, conduct and analyze experiments and experimental data, develop new ideas that promote current research, prepare and publish scientific manuscripts, teach techniques to others, and together with the PI, will be jointly responsible of coordinating the projects and supervising the PhD students. The epigenomics projects the candidate would be involved with are 1) Individual and joint effects of genetic and epigenetic alterations on common disease progression and risk, 2) Understanding the role of histone modifications in complex diseases and traits by studying trait discordant MZ twin pairs, and 3) Investigation of epigenetic changes in complex diseases and traits: Within-pair differences in DNA methylation patterns in trait discordant MZ twin pairs The position is situated partly within EpiTrain, Epigenetics in complex traits and diseases, Marie Curie Initial Training Network funded by the European Commission. For more information on EpiTrain, please visit www.helsinki.fi/twinstudy/epitrain Eligibility Applicants should hold a PhD degree and have published at least one first author paper in a peer reviewed international journal. Excellent knowledge in epigenetics and genetics, and prior experience in supervising, teaching and team leading is highly appreciated. Term Two years, with an option for a third year. The position is immediately open. Salary scale The salary will be commensurate with qualifications based on the University salary system.