Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Scientist to work in the Gut Health and Food Safety Department at the Institute of Food Research in Norwich.
The successful applicant will work on a 3-year research project entitled “A multidisciplinary approach to studying crypt-villus homeostasis and regeneration in the intestinal epithelium”, funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC).
This project is a joint venture between the Institute of Food Research, the University of East Anglia and the Wolfson Centre for Mathematical Biology at the University of Oxford. The appointee will work with Prof Alastair Watson, Prof Simon Carding and Dr Carmen Pin, who are based at the Institute of Food Research and at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, and with Prof Philip Maini and Prof Helen Byrne, based at the University of Oxford.
The intestinal epithelium forms the first barrier between the gut lumen and the body. It has a complex architecture, with invaginations into the intestinal wall, called crypts, located between finger-like projections into the lumen, called villi. Intestinal stem cells located at the base of each crypt proliferate and give rise to epithelial cells, which migrate to the tips of the neighbouring villi, from where they are shed into the gut lumen. In the healthy intestine, the dimensions and cell number in crypts and villi remain remarkably constant during adult life. This requires a tight coordination of cell proliferation, migration and shedding. Dysregulation of these processes contributes to intestinal pathologies such as tumourigenesis, ulcerative inflammatory processes and coeliac disease.
The aim of this project is to understand the precise coordination between villi and crypts during the continuous renewal of the epithelium lining the small intestine and how this equilibrium is recovered after perturbations. The appointee will be a cell/epithelial biologist responsible for conducting work using experimental model systems to develop and test hypotheses on the mechanism of regulation between cell proliferation, cell migration and cell shedding along the crypt-villus axis and of the regulation between crypts and villi populations. The Postdoctoral Scientist in Norwich will investigate the impact of several epithelial induction protocols on the organization of the tissue by in vitro culturing methods, immunostaining, microscopy and molecular techniques.
The Postdoctoral Scientist will be required to work in a multidisciplinary team, to disseminate research via peer reviewed journal publications, presentations, workshops and conferences and communication with diverse stakeholders including scientists, funding agency staff, and industry personnel.