Applications are invited for the position of post-doctoral researcher on a grant addressing the neuroscience of unconscious perception and 'free' choices. The grant is funded by the John Templeton Foundation and the successful candidate will program and conduct (behavioural and imaging) experiments, analyse neuroimaging data and assist with preparation of papers for publication.
Candidates should have, or be in the final stages of obtaining, a PhD in Psychology / Cognitive Neuroscience. The successful candidate will have solid programming skills (MATLAB and/or Python) and have experience of imaging analysis (SPM, Fieldtrip) skills and these are essential for this post.
The applicant will be based in the Visual Cognition Lab, in the Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge, working with Dr Greg Davis.
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Greg Davis (
This post is subject to a health assessment.
Fixed-term: The funds for this post are available from 1st November 2013 until 28th February 2015
Fixed-term: The funds for this post are available until 28 February 2015 in the first instance.