Postdoctoral Research Assistant
University of Bristol -School of Chemistry
Closing date: 22/10/2013
Language: English (UK)
Job number: ACAD100515
Salary: £30,424 - £34,223
Contract Type: Fixed-term contract staff
Work Hours 35.0 Hours per Week
Expected Start Date: 01/01/2014
Expected End Date: 30/06/2016
Job Type: Research and Teaching
Postdoctoral Research Assistant required for thin film diamond growth and modelling for Solar Thermionic Converters (30 months)
The candidate for this position will work on an EPSRC-funded project that seeks to develop a new generation of solar thermionic converters based on diamonds.
The successful candidate will be tasked with the growth and modelling of n-type diamond materials to be used in a thermionic energy converter. This will involve work to incorporate isotopic and elemental impurities in chemical vapour deposited diamond films, with the aim of improving electrode operation. The candidate will also be involved in the testing of prototype structures using a dedicated test facility in the Diamond Laboratory.
The candidate will be expected to have finished or be close to finishing a PhD in Physical Chemistry, Physics or related disciplines. Experience of using DFT modelling software such as CASTEP is required, along with a working knowledge of Chemical Vapour Deposition and the growth of diamond thin films. The candidate will also be expected to carry out material analysis using SEM, TEM, Raman Spectroscopy, SIMS, XPS and XRD equipment.
The candidate will be based in the School of Chemistry working in the Physical and Theoretical Chemistry section as a member of the Bristol Diamond Group. The Bristol diamond group is now one of the largest in the UK with £2.5M of deposition and diagnostic equipment. The group has active links with many diamond groups (in the UK, Europe, Singapore, Japan and the US), with computational groups in Bristol and elsewhere, and with industry. This post will give a successful applicant an exciting opportunity to do cutting edge research in one of the world’s leading diamond groups.