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時間:2013-09-30來源:博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:91boshi
The Laboratory of Computational Materials Science at the University of Ioannina-Greece offers a postdoctoral position in computational graphene-based nanophotonics, funded from the EC Graphene Flagship project.


Graphene and plasmonics are at the center of nanophotonics research. The successful applicant will use theoretical and computational tools to design graphene and hybrid graphene/plasmonic nanostructures for optoelectronic applications in the visible and IR, such as photodetectors, biosensors and photovoltaic systems. Research areas to be covered include electromagnetic wave scattering, plasmonics, nonlinear and quantum optics. There will be strong interaction with the other theoretical and experimental groups participating in the Graphene Flagship project. The duration of the appointment is 1+1 years. Qualifications: PhD degree in theoretical and/or computational optics/photonics, condensed matter physics or materials science. Demonstration of academic excellence, strong publication record, international experience, fluency in English.  Interested applicants should send by email: a short cover letter with statement of purpose, a detailed CV, contact emails of 3 potential referees.



