A postdoctoral position (100 %, start 01.01.2014) is available at the Saarland University Hospital, Homburg/Germany, Department of Internal Medicine 4 – Nephrology and Hypertension (Head: Prof. Dr. Danilo Fliser).
The candidate will work in a newly established group with the focus on immunology. In a variety of high quality basic and translational projects, we aim to investigate the interaction between innate immunity and lipoprotein metabolism in patients with kidney disease and other cardiovascular diseases. Our lab is excellently equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure. Moreover, our research group is embedded in highly collaborative national and international research networks. Currently, our work is funded by German Research Society (DFG), European Union, several foundations and by industrial partners.
We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral fellow with experience in immunological research, molecular and cell biology, as well as small animal models.
The position entails designing and carrying out experiments, establishing new assays and methods, supervision of Ph.D. students and M.D. students as well as writing manuscripts for publications in journals.
Specific requirements
Recent PhD in immunology (within the last 2 years), or related discipline
Expertise in basic immunological techniques, flow cytometry, small animal models including bone-marrow transplantation, and standard techniques (tissue culture, PCR, western blot)
Publication(s) in peer reviewed journals
Excellent English as well as German language skills (beneficial)
Abnormal high-density lipoprotein induces endothelial dysfunction via activation of Toll-like receptor-2.
Speer T, Rohrer L, Blyszczuk P, Shroff R, Kuschnerus K, Kränkel N, Kania G, Zewinger S, Akhmedov A, Shi Y, Martin T, Perisa D, Winnik S, Müller MF, Sester U, Wernicke G, Jung A, Gutteck U, Eriksson U, Geisel J, Deanfield J, von Eckardstein A, Lüscher TF, Fliser D, Bahlmann FH, Landmesser U.
Immunity. 2013 18;38(4):754-68.
The salary will be in accordance with the University salary scales for post-doctoral researchers in Germany. Presentation costs are not refunded.