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時間:2013-10-14來源:博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:91boshi

Applications are invited for a post-doctoral position in the laboratory of Dr William Schafer at the MRC LMB, Cambridge to work within a programme aimed at understanding the molecular and cellular mechanisms of touch and pain sensation. Specifically to undertake research to investigate gene products that play important and conserved functions in the detection of aversive mechanical and thermal stimuli. Key approaches will be to record directly from touch and pain-sensing neurons of nematodes by electrophysiology and determine how these molecules affect sensory transduction.

The ideal candidate will possess a combination of skills in molecular cloning, behavioural genetics, in vivo neuroimaging and electrophysiology.

Please refer to http://www2.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/group-leaders/n-to-s/w-schafer for further details. For informal enquiries about the role please contact Dr Schafer, e-mail: wschafer@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk

The successful candidate will be awarded a 3 year Career Development Fellowship. This is a training and development position for a postdoctoral scientist who has recently completed their doctoral studies or is moving into a new research discipline.

The closing date for applications is 11th November 2013. For full details and to apply please visit http://www.topcareer.jobs/Vacancy/irc115553_3742.aspx and submit a CV and covering letter, saving the documents with reference number IRC115553 included in the filename. Only online applications will be accepted.

Applicants who would like to receive this advert in an alternative format (e.g. large print, Braille, audio or hard copy), or who are unable to apply online should contact us by telephone on 01793 867000. Please quote the appropriate reference number when calling.



