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時(shí)間:2013-10-14來(lái)源:博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:91boshi

The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago invites applications for the Oriental Institute's Annual Post-Doctoral Fellow Conference program for the 2014-2016 academic years. This is a twenty-four-month, non-renewable appointment. During the first year of the appointment, the Post-Doctoral Fellow will organize and conduct a two-day conference at the Oriental Institute on key comparatively oriented theoretical or methodological issues in the field of ancient studies (archaeological, text-based, and/or art historical avenues of research). We encourage cross-disciplinary proposals that deal with the ancient Near East (including Egypt) or that compare the Near East with other cultural areas. Applicants should take into consideration the research interests represented at the Oriental Institute. The conference will take place in early March 2015. Following the conference, the Post-Doctoral Fellow will work with publication staff to assemble and edit the proceedings for publication in the Oriental Institute Seminars series. During the second year of the appointment, the Post-Doctoral Fellow will assist in organizing a series of faculty seminars at the Oriental Institute. The incumbent is also encouraged to pursue his or her own research while in residence and to interact with the Oriental Institute community.
Information on past Oriental Institute Annual symposia can be viewed at: http://oi.uchicago.edu/research/symposia/
Qualifications: Ph.D. in a discipline relating to ancient studies must be completed at the time of appointment.

Applicants must provide:
a. Cover letter
b. Curriculum Vitae
c. 5-page proposal outlining the nature and structure of the conference (including the names and paper topics of six to eight key participants who have agreed to make presentations, should the conference be funded; for budgetary reasons, international participants should constitute no more than half of the list of six to eight invited speakers)
d. the names of three referees

Deadline for application submission is Monday, January 12th, 2014. Start date is September 1st, 2014.



