Job Description
A post-doctoral position is available in the lab of Dr. Bouhassira at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City. The successful candidate will have experience in bioinformatics and will help us study genetic and epigenetic differences in human pluripotent and hematopoietic stem cells.Ph.D. strongly preferred but not required. Preference will be given for candidates with training in computer sciences or bioinformatics. Candidates with a Master degree will be considered, and if successful, appointed to a position appropriate to their experience.
To Apply
Please send a complete CV and names and contact information of three references to:Eric Bouhassira, Ph.D.
Leon-Rennert Professor of Stem Cell Biology
Department of Cell Biology
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Ullmann 903
1300 Morris Park Ave
Bronx, New York, 10461 EOE