A postdoctoral position is available in the Laboratory of Dr. Fen-Biao Gao, Department of Neurology, to study molecular pathogenic mechanisms of frontotemporal dementia using Drosophila or induced pluripotent stem cell models. For further information on the research being conducted, please visit the following website: http://profiles.umassmed.edu/profiles/ProfileDetails.aspx?From=Pinfo&Person=1368
Required Qualifications:
Candidates with PhD or MD/PhD degree and strong training background in molecular and cellular biology are encouraged to apply.
Additional Information:
Interested applicants should forward CV to: Fen-Biao.Gao@umassmed.edu
As an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer, UMMS recognizes the power of a diverse community and encourages applications from individuals with varied experiences, perspectives and backgrounds.