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時間:2013-10-28來源:博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:91boshi

Postdoctoral Associate
Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Cambridge, MA
Job Description

POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE, Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research (MKI), to assume a position in the general area of X-ray astrophysics. Will be expected to participate in specific ongoing projects involving spatial/spectral analysis of complex fields observed with the HETGS and in the development and application of new interfaces to atomic data in nonequilibrium plasmas.

A significant fraction of time will also be available to carry out self-motivated and collaborative research in an environment that includes Chandra HETG and ACIS research scientists under the unifying topic of high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy as applied to astrophysical observations in one or more areas of hot and cool stars, supernova remnants, X-ray binaries, AGN and jets, clusters of galaxies, the ISM, and WHIM. May also have the opportunity to lead in the selection, analysis, and scientific interpretation of one or more of our HETG guaranteed time observations.

Job Requirements

REQUIRED: a Ph.D. in astronomy or physics; demonstrated initiative; and experience working in modern astrophysics research, preferably in high-resolution spectroscopy, theory and modeling, and data analysis. Should also be able to demonstrate significant ability to develop and apply computer programs to new and innovative methods using both compiled (such as C or C++) and scripting languages. Job #10585

Review of the applications will begin in mid-November and continue until the position is filled. The start date is nominally February 2014. The appointment will be for two years, renewable for a third depending on performance and funding.



