The Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia – IIT ( – was founded with the objective of promoting the country's technological development and further education in science and technology. In this sense IIT is committed to achieving its scientific program, which it sees in the integration between basic scientific research and the development of technical applications, a major inspirational principle. The research projects cover areas of science of high innovative content, representing the most advanced frontiers of modern technology, with wide application possibilities in various fields from medicine to industry, from computer science to robotics, life sciences, and nanobiotechnology.
The use of graphene, graphene composites and functionalized graphene in Li-based batteries might improve battery performance in terms of stored energy density, stability over charge/discharge cycles etc thanks to graphene’s high electrical conductivity and large surface area per unit mass.
This research field finds further motivations by the appointment of a Future & Emerging Technologies flagship project on graphene and other 2d crystals by the European Union ( ).
In the framework of this flagship the recently-established IIT unit on 2d materials will set-up a new activity to explore the use of graphene-based compounds as anodes and/or cathodes in Li-based batteries.
The successful candidate will be working on a challenging project aimed at the design, fabrication and test of these batteries.
The successful candidate will work in a large collaborative environment defined by the European flagship project and by additional collaborations with non-European groups.
We offer a post-doctoral position in IIT-Genova.
Salary and benefits are competitive for international standards and will depend on the experience of the candidate.
We are seeking for a highly motivated candidate with strong background in material science and possibly in graphene production, characterization and/or functionalization.
Applications including a CV and the indications of at least two referees should be sent to the following email address: quoting “Post doc in graphene for Li-ion batteries”.
Please apply before December 15, 2013.
In order to comply with the Italian law (art. 23 of Privacy Law of the Italian Legislative Decree n. 196/03), we have to kindly ask the candidate to give his/her consent to allow IIT to process his/her personal data.
We also inform you that the information you provide will be used solely for the purpose of assessing your professional profile to meet the requirements of Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia.Your data will be processed by Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, with headquarters in Genoa, Via Morego 30, acting as the Data Holder, using computer and paper based means, observing the rules on protection of personal data, including those relating to the security of data. Please also note that, pursuant to art.7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, you may exercise your rights at any time as a party concerned by contacting the Data Manager.
The Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia is an Equal Opportunity Employer that actively seeks diversity in the workforce….