The post is a 3 year fixed-term contract The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute has been awarded a Wellcome Trust strategic award to explore the mutational signatures associated with mutagenic processes in human cancer cell lines, yeast, and mouse models. Applicants are sought for a Postdoctoral Fellow position. The role will involve working closely with a team of scientific and IT staff to ensure efficient processing and analysis of DNA sequencing datasets as well as development of novel methods of analyzing DNA sequencing datasets in order to gain maximal biological insights. The successful candidate will be dedicated to the Wellcome Trust funded Mutational Signatures of DNA damage and repair processes research project and will be under the supervision of Prof. Michael Stratton and Dr Serena Nik-Zainal.
The successful candidate will have a computational PhD
Excellent written and verbal communication
Ability to work independently
Experience in cancer and molecular biology
Experience of handling next-generation sequencing data
Statistical programming experience in R/Matlab
The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute operates at the forefront of genomics, sequencing and analyses targeting a wide range of genomes from single cell pathogens to higher vertebrates, with an emphasis on genomes relevant to human medicine and welfare. The Cancer Genome Project at the Institute has led the way in the systematic analysis of cancer genomes by using the human genome sequence and high throughput mutation detection techniques to identify somatically acquired sequence variants/mutations and hence identify genes critical in the development of human cancers