An opportunity has arisen at the University of New England, School of Environmental and Rural Sciences, for a post-doctoral research fellow to conduct a project entitled: “The importance of ‘deep’ soil carbon in soils of NSW”.
The project is funded by the Australian Department of Agriculture and is in collaboration with colleagues at CSIRO (Adelaide), the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization (ANSTO, Lucas Heights) and NSW State Government.
The project aims to:
quantify SOC distribution and the significance of ‘deep’ carbon to SOC storage within given land-use/soil type combinations using a representative set of archived ‘deep’ soil cores;
estimate SOC fractions through the 'deep' soil profiles using mid-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (MIRS), in collaboration with NSW State Government and CSIRO (Adelaide) facilities, to evaluate the form and stability of carbon stored;
determine age, mean residence time and turnover rates of SOC in a subset of the deep soil profiles to enhance modelling capacity on organic matter dynamics using 14C analysis.
Applicants should have been awarded (or have submitted) a PhD in soil science or a related research field. Applicants will be required to demonstrate experience and expertise in soil carbon dynamics, soil carbon analysis techniques and data analysis and interpretation, along with the demonstrated capacity and desire to work with a team of collaborating scientists and institutions.
This is a fixed term position available for 18 months until 30 June 2015.
As a result of recent investment, the School of Environmental Science at UNE has state of the art facilities and instrumentation for the analysis of soils and soil carbon. In collaboration with research partners, UNE has a national profile in this research area.
Armidale, a vibrant university city recognised as a centre of culture, is well served with art, music, theatre, sport and public and private education. While UNE has a long history and strong tradition of academic distinction, our outlook is dynamic and fresh (visit: and/or
Informal enquiries may be directed to Assoc. Prof Brian Wilson (, phone: +61 2 6773 3287 or e-mail: For further information about the School/Directorate visit:
Salary: AUD$82,123 per annum (Level B) plus 17% employer superannuation. Optional salary packaging is available.
Closing Date: 13 November 2013
Reference No: 213202