A postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Feng Qiao, Ph.D. studying telomere molecular and structural biology in the Department of Biological Chemistry/School of Medicine, University of California at Irvine. Building on our recent discoveries (Jun et al. Genes & Development 2013, 27:1917), the successful candidate will explore the regulation of telomere homeostasis in the fission yeast system and its implications in cancer and stem cell biology using biochemical, structural (X-ray crystallography, EM…) cellular, proteomic, and high-throughput next-generation sequencing approaches.
The position is available immediately. Required qualifications include a fresh Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Structural Biology or related field, demonstrated by publications. Interested individuals should e-mail a cover letter describing their current research and future career goals along with a CV and contact information for three references to Feng Qiao, Ph.D. qiao@uci.edu.
Qualified candidate will be eligible for Hitachi Chemical-Masayasu Nomura Biological Chemistry Postdoctoral Fellowship. http://www.biochem.uci.edu/postdocs/Nomurafellowsite.pdf
To know more about Dr. Qiao’s research, please visit: http://www.biochem.uci.edu/faculty/qiao.html
To know more about UC-Irvine campus and City of Irvine, please visit the website at: http://parkerlab.bio.uci.edu/nonscientific_adventures/UCI_environs.htm.