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時間:2013-11-11來源:博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:91boshi

A postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Chih-Ying Su in the Section of Neurobiology, Division of Biological Sciences at University of California San Diego. We use multidisciplinary approaches including fly genetics, molecular biology, optogenetics, electrophysiology, imaging and behavioral assays to study the molecular and cellular mechanisms by which olfactory receptor neurons process information (see Su et al., Nature, 2012, doi:10.1038/nature11712). Our goal is to understand the fundamental principles of olfactory coding, with a special focus on how primary sensory neurons process olfactory information and influence odor-driven behaviors.

The ideal candidate will be a talented, motivated scientist, with a broad interest in sensory biology, who has recently obtained their Ph.D. or expects to obtain one in the near future. Experience in electrophysiology, imaging and/or computational biology is preferable. Experience with fly genetics would be advantageous, but not essential.

More details are available at: http://biology.ucsd.edu/faculty/su.html

Please send a cover letter with CV and contact information for 3 references to c8su@ucsd.edu. Informal inquiries can also be sent to the same address.



