Interested in computational cellular network analysis?
Postdoctoral fellow (Bioinformatics/Systems Biology)
The Center for Sepsis Control and Care (CSCC) at the Jena University Hospital is an interdisciplinary research center that establishes novel organization and management structures integrating research and
treatment, providing career prospects to clinically oriented scientists.
The new research group Systems Biology of Sepsis (Prof. Dr. Rainer König) invites talented and motivated candidates to apply for a
Postdoctoral fellow position (according to T-VL) starting as soon as possible.
The position is limited until July 2015, an extension is possible. We offer excellent opportunities for interdisciplinary collaborations
within the CSCC and the Jena Sepsis Cluster and are located at the Hans-Knöll-Institute of the Leibniz society.
Tasks: Data analysis, data mining, gene regulatory network modeling of genomic high throughput data from patient blood samples and mouse model tissues, comprising data from gene expression microarrays, metabolomics,
proteomics and next generation sequencing.
Prerequisites: The candidate should have a good working knowledge of genetics, biochemistry, coding (R, Perl, Python etc). Experience in data mining and statistical analysis of high throughput data such as expression arrays, next-gen sequencing would be preferred. The individual should be team-oriented, fluent in German OR English, have a keen interest in science and
learning new techniques. The ability to work independently as well as the ability to effectively interact with the research and technical staff of our team and clinical cooperation partner is required.
Qualifications : PhD and diploma/master degree in life sciences, computer science, medicine and related subjects.