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時間:2013-12-03來源:博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:91boshi
As a postdoctoral researcher you will work on a project funded by the seventh framework programme of the European Community for Research. The project will be conducted within a broader European consortium of research institutions in eight countries, and focuses on achieving gender equality in research and institutions and including a gender dimension in research, particularly in the fields of Science, Technology, Economics and Mathematics. You will provide, and examine the effects of, gender equality training in academic communities in these fields, using the method of Group Model Building to involve all stakeholders in the analysis of gender equality issues. Precondition for this position is the final signature of the contract by the EU. You will be formally employed by Radboud University Nijmegen.


- a PhD or equivalent in Management or Social Sciences and an interest in and knowledge of gender and diversity in organizations; - academic excellence, evidenced by a track record of conducting and publishing academic and applied research; - expertise in qualitative and quantitative research methods, particularly in Group Model Building and system dynamics; - a good command of spoken and written Dutch and English; - organizational talent; - a willingness to work with others in an interdisciplinary group.


- the appointment is for 0,8 FTE, and may be extended to 1 FTE with additional teaching duties; - intended start date is 1 January 2014; - you will be classified as a Postdoctoral Researcher (Onderzoeker 3) in the Dutch university job-ranking system (UFO). 0 - 4462


