A paramount goal of the cluster of excellence Hearing4all ( is to trans-form audiology into an exact science based on the interaction between experiment and theory, as well as between basic science and clinical research. The successful candidates will work predominantly on the in-vivo physiological characterization of rodents with normal hearing and with a hearing pathology, e.g,. by recording single-unit responses at different levels of the auditory pathway. We offer a diverse working environment with additional opportunities to get involved in behavioral and genetic work. This basic research is geared towards the goals of cluster research area A “Improving Diagnostics for a Better Individualized Treatment“. The positions are available immediately, for initially 2 years, and continuing after positive evaluation to October 2017. Payment depends on previous experience (German TV-L E13, full time). The positions are suitable for part-time work. The working language is English. Candidates must have an academic university degree in the field of neuroscience or a related discipline and must have shown their ability for excellent scientific work, usually by the outstanding quality of their PhD research and a good publication record. We are seeking highly motivated candidates who are excited about probing auditory function at the systems level. In-depth experience in neurophysiology is essential. Additional experience with psychophysics in animals, Matlab programming or using virus vectors for genetic manipulation is helpful. The University of Oldenburg strives to increase the percentage of women in science. Therefore, equally qualified female candidates will be given preference. Applicants with disabilities will be preferentially considered in case of equal qualification.為防止簡歷投遞丟失請抄送一份至郵件標題格式:應聘職位名稱+姓名+學歷+專業(yè)+中國博士人才網(wǎng))