A post-doctoral position is available immediately for a highly motivated bioinformatics expert to join a research team engaged in studying neurodevelopmental disorders. The position will be co-supervised by Dr. Xudong Liu, Director of Queen University's Genomics Lab at Ongwanada and Dr. Jack Chen, Professor in Genomics and Bioinformatics, Department of Molecular Biology, Simon Fraser University. The research group is dedicated to uncovering the molecular basis of mental disorders with a focus on bipolar disorders, autism and Intellectual disability, taking advantage of large available sample sizes and large pedigrees with affected and normal individuals. Responsibilities include analyzing diverse sets of high throughput genomic data sets derived from both affected and normal individuals. The candidate will have access to large data sets produced using next Generation DNA sequencing technologies. Specifically, the candidate will lead projects aimed at characterizing these genome sequences first from a computational perspective and subsequently to identify inheritable genomic variations or de novo mutations for downstream functional analysis. The candidate will perform algorithmic and statistical analyses on whole genome.
A Ph.D. degree in Bioinformatics, Biostatistics, Computer Sciences or a related field, and working experience with Unix/Linux, programming/scripting, R and SQL/relational databases as well as familiarity with next generation sequencing analysis tools are required. Familiarity with human genome databases such as Ensembl, the UCSC genome browser, and NCBI is essential. Direct experience using parallel/high-performance computing environments and bioinformatics resources such as Bioconductor, the Ensembl API, BioPerl/BioPython/BioJava and Galaxy are assets. It is highly preferred that the candidate will have an in-depth working knowledge of genetics. Excellent written and verbal communication skills, time management, and the ability to multi-task with attention-to-detail are required. The successful candidate must work well independently and in a team setting. The successful candidate will take a leadership role for, and collaborate in, the writing of manuscripts for publication and grant proposals.
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply and should submit a curriculum vitae AND the names and contact information for three referees by e-mail to Dr. Xudong Liu (liux@queensu.ca).