Physics post-doc position available: Random Lasers / Plasmonics.
To start in 2014 for 3 years in the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Exeter, UK. The idea behind the project is to make random lasers that include metallic nanoparticles as some of the scatterers. In this way we can explore the fundamentals of the plasmonics+lasing combination, an area that is still very poorly understood. The project will be based in Exeter (UK) but will involve working with collaborators in the Netherlands (Twente) and Australia (Melborne).
The post-doc will be expected to be the driving force in the project, which will be primarily experimental in nature. Experience in random lasers/plasmonics will be an advantage.
To apply please go to and look for advert number P45978. For further details please contact
Closing date is January 6th, 2014.
The University of Exeter is an equal opportunity employer which is 'Positive about Disabled People'. Whilst all applicants will be judged on merit alone, we particularly welcome applications from groups currently underrepresented in the workforce. The College is working towards department Silver Athena SWAN awards as a commitment to providing equality of opportunity and advancing the representation of women in STEM/M subjects: science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine.