CSIRO Animal, Food and Health Sciences (CAFHS) have an opportunity for a motivated PhD graduate to launch their career. In this role you will a be member of a research group focussed on studying the complex relationship between the ruminant host and the indigenous microbiota residing in the gut plays an important role in the host’s productivity and health. Functional studies of the rumen microbiota enabled by genomics and related technologies will be key to better understanding the interactions between the diet, rumen microbiota and host animal.
Within this group you will plan and execute experiments designed to study the effects of diet on community structure and function of microbial populations in the rumen with particular reference to hydrogenotrophic pathways. These studies will underpin the development of statistically relevant links between indices of digestive physiology and metabolism, and the interrelationship with gut microbial population structure and function.
Specifically you will be responsible for:
In conjunction with Brisbane microbiology staff and ruminant nutrition staff in Townsville, develop innovative approaches to monitoring key functions of digestive physiology and metabolism in ruminants under both controlled feeding conditions and in respiration chambers;
Plan, design and execute experiments involving nutritional principles to enhance energy-yielding pathways and reduce methane emissions in ruminants;
Applying the latest methods in extraction of gut samples for genomic DNA, mRNA and 16S rDNA;
Applying 16S rRNA based approaches to phylogenetic analysis of microbial population structure;
Implementation and use of bioinformantic tools for assembly and annotation of metagenomic sequence datasets;
Interpretation of rumen ecology data in relation to nutrition and rumen metabolism.