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時(shí)間:2013-12-04來(lái)源:博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:91boshi

The MPI for Dynamics and Self-Organization is an internationally focused research institute. It performs both experimental and theoretical basic research and employs about 250 people.

The Max Planck Research group “Pattern formation in the geosciences” of Dr. Lucas Goehring (in the department Dynamics of Complex Fluids headed by Prof. Dr. Stephan Herminghaus) in collaboration with the Independent Max Planck Research group “Physics of Biological Organization” headed by Dr. Eleni Katifori offer

Ph.D. and/or Postdoctoral Positions
(Ref. no. 15-2013)

in a new collaborative research project on

Biologically inspired crack pattern.

We seek highly motivated and outstanding candidates interested in questions about the growth of cracks and wrinkles in soft materials and the implications for pattern formation in biological tissues.

The research team will focus on the formation of cracks and other local deformations in films on curved substrates, geometries that mimic the growth stages of leaves in which venation patterns develop. We plan to address these problems by a combination of experimental (cracks in curved foam/gel layers), numerical (phase-field modeling) and theoretical (energy-based theory of crack tip growth) approaches.

Generous experimental facilities, computer facilities, and travel funds will be available.

The PhD candidates should have a Master’s (or comparable) degree in physics or in a related subject. A background in soft matter physics is desirable, but not required. The PhD position is limited to three years with the possibility of extension. The Postdoctoral candidates should have a solid background in soft matter physics or related subjects, and possess a doctoral degree in their field. A Postdoctoral position is limited for two years with the possibility of extension.

Fluency in both written and spoken English is required.

Salary is in accordance with the German state public service salary scale (TVöD-Bund) and the accordant social benefits, or by a fellowship with the Max Planck Society.

The Max Planck Society is committed to employing more handicapped individuals and especially encourages them to apply. The Max Planck Society seeks to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply.

Applications should include a CV, list of publications, the names of two (PhD) or three (Postdoc) references, and a statement of interests. Please send your application or any inquiry, quoting reference no. 15-2013, by email to lucas.goehring@ds.mpg.de in one pdf file. Applications received before January 31st, 2014, will be given full consideration.

MPI for Dynamics and Self-Organization
Dr. Lucas Goehring
Am Faßberg 17
D-37077 Göttingen, Germany



