Post-doctoral positions are available in the Max-Planck-Research group of Richard Neher in Tuebingen, Germany. Our group works on HIV evolution and theoretical population genetics. HIV evolves very rapidly and the evolutionary dynamics can be studied in longitudinal samples. In addition, the abundance of cross-sectional data allows as to investigate the patterns of molecular evolution on time scales ranging from month to millions of years.
Our group combines empirical research, a collaboration with Prof. Jan Albert at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, who is using deep sequencing methods to obtain detailed snapshots of HIV populations at densely spaced time points, with theory. Dynamical data is a much richer source of evolutionary information that static snapshots and we will use this data to parameterize models of HIV evolution. In addition to sequence information, our modeling of HIV evolution builds on structural information at the level of RNA genome and the viral proteins as well as the interaction of the viral population with the host immune system. One focus of the lab is the evolution of regulatory features and RNA secondary structures. Our empirical work on HIV is complemented by theoretical work on the dynamics of rapidly evolving population.
evolution of RNA structures and non-protein aspects of the HIV genome
drug resistance evolution of HIV
drug resistance evolution of bacteria
development of methods to predict evolution
The projects are funded by Max-Planck-Society, an ERC Starting Grant on HIV evolution, and a collaborative grant on translation efficiency in viruses together with Tamir Tuller at Tel-Aviv university.
We are looking for highly motivated applicants with a strong background in mathematics, as well as proficiency in at least one programming and one scripting language (python, preferably). A PhD in a relevant discipline (physics, math, biology, or computer science/bioinformatics, etc) is required. Prior exposure to population genetics and bioinformatics is desirable, but absolutely not necessary.
The institute is located on the Max Planck Campus in Tuebingen and offers an international environment, with English as the working language. We are part of a dynamic and interactive group of labs researching various aspects of evolution. Tuebingen boasts one of Germany’s top universities and a vibrant cultural life with easy connections to major European cities.
You can find general information about our group and the institute at and
Relevant publications:
Genealogies of rapidly adapting populations. Richard A. Neher and Oskar Hallatschek. PNAS, 2013
Mathematical modeling of escape of HIV from cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses. V. Ganusov*, R. Neher*, A Perelson, JSTAT, 2013
Quantifying selection against synonymous mutations in HIV-1 env evolution. Fabio Zanini and Richard A. Neher. Journal of Virology, 2013.
Recombination rate and selection strength in HIV intra-patient evolution. R. Neher and T. Leitner. PLoS Comput Biol, 2010