…placed in the Westenhoff Research Group, Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Gothenburg
The highly successful Biochemistry/Biophysics Section of the Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology (University of Gothenburg) focuses on research topics at the interface of biology, chemistry and physics. The newly established Westenhoff group uses two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy and time-resolved X-ray scattering to uncover structural dynamics. Assist. Prof. Westenhoff has recently been awarded several highly competitive research grants incl. an ERC starting grant.
We are looking for highly motivated postdoctorial researchers with interest and experience in femtosecond one- and two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy. In collaboration with biochemists in my group, who have established novel protocols to isotope-label large proteins, you are expected to work on infrared studies for protein structural dynamics.
Ideally, you would further develop our existing femtosecond laser spectroscopy setup, and you are expected to be involved in all parts of the project, such as: experimental design, sample design and preparation, data acquisition and analysis, and publication. Co-supervision of Ph.D. students and M.Sc. thesis students as well as attending international conferences and meetings is also encouraged.
Qualification requirements
To qualify for this fellowship you must have completed a Ph.D. in physical chemistry, biophysics or equivalent. You should have hands-on experience in two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy, femtosecond spectroscopy, or equivalent. Priority will be given to applicants with the proven ability to work independently. The ability to communicate in English, in oral as well as in writing, is important.
Further information about the position
Applicants are encouraged to request further information about the position and the project from Assist. Prof. Westenhoff, phone +46 (0)31 786 3936, e-mail: westenho@chem.gu.se, webpage: http://www.csb.gu.se/index.php/sebastian-westenhoff. The salary will be a tax-free stipend and limited to two years full time with a three month probation period. Applications will be reviewed continuously until to the specified application deadline. The appointment will be made once a suitable candidate is identified.
Your application should be sent directly to westenho@chem.gu.se as a single pdf file (less than 4MB in size) and should contain
• CV
• Cover letter
• 2 letters of recommendation
• 2 additional references, with address, telephone number, email and relationship stated