We are looking for exceptionally qualified postdoctoral and PhD researchers to work in experiment and theory of evolution. Candidates’ backgrounds include genetics, experimental and theoretical physics, and computational biology. The Collaborative Research Center Molecular Basis of Evolutionary Innovations is a leading consortium in experimental and theoretical studies of evolutionary processes. The DFG-funded Center unites a unique spectrum of competence in evolutionary biology, experimental and statistical biophysics at the University of Cologne (Germany) and its partner institutions. It offers an exciting interdisciplinary research environment. PhD and postdoctoral researchers will be affiliated with individual project groups, and they will fully benefit from the Center’s joint research and training facilities.
PhD Position in Computational Biology (Beyer lab)
The student will investigate the importance and mechanisms of weak effect mutations in different species using high-resolution expression data. The project will involve methods from network biology and systems genetics. Candidates must have a strong quantitative background.
Postdoctoral Position in Evolutionary Modeling (Krug lab)
We are looking for candidates with a strong background in statistical physics and/or quantitative biology and an interest in developing models of evolutionary adaptation. The project will be carried out in close collaboration with an experimental group studying antibiotic resistance evolution in bacteria.
Postdoctoral Position in Experimental Evolution (Krug and de Visser labs)
We seek a highly motivated person with a PhD in molecular, evolutionary or microbial genetics or enzyme engineering. Experience with microbiological and molecular techniques is required, experience with modeling is an advantage. The postdoc will be appointed at the University of Cologne, and experimental work will be primarily carried out in Wageningen (Netherlands).
Postdoctoral or PhD Position in Statistical Physics of Evolution (Lässig lab)
This is an opportunity for an exceptionally qualified physicist to work on statistical theories of evolution. Lab interests include the evolution of gene regulation, complex phenotypes and molecular networks. Current empirical projects are on the evolution of E. coli, the influenza virus, and the fruit fly.
Postdoctoral Position in Genome-scale Metabolic Modeling (Lercher lab, Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf)
We aim to improve existing modeling approaches such as FBA by including more realistic biological details; we then want to apply these methods to evolutionary questions. We look for candidates with a strong background in biochemistry and/or with experience in metabolic modeling.
PhD Position in Experimental Evolution (Maier lab)
Bacterial transformation is thought to speed up adaptive evolution, but it is unclear under which conditions the benefit of transformation outweighs its cost. To address this question, we are setting up evolution experiments in a bacterial system that is competent for natural transformation. Candidates require an MSc degree in biotechnology, biochemistry, or biosciences and they should have strong interest in interdisciplinary collaborations with physicists. Starting in June 2014.
PhD Position in Macro-Molecular Evolution / Evo-Devo (Panfilio Lab)
The aim is to determine which macroevolutionary changes in a highly conserved patterning gene gave rise to novel roles within the insects compared to other animals. Focusing on the orthologues and paralogues of two key species, the research will involve comparative genomics, transcriptomics, and phenotypic analyses in embryos. Candidates require an MSc degree in molecular evolution, developmental genetics, or a related field.
PhD Position in Computational Biology (Tresch lab)
Our young, vivid team is looking for a candidate with a background in mathematical modeling (e.g., Bioinformatics, Biomathematics, or Physics). He/she should have good interpersonal skills and should be interested in doing interdisciplinary research in the field of transcription regulation or epigenetics.
Central position in Bioinformatics.
We are looking for a computational biologist to develop analysis pipelines for high-throughput data (e.g. deep sequencing data), train other scientists in using those methods, and implement user-friendly interfaces for algorithms developed in the consortium. Applicants should have a doctoral degree in a relevant field and they should have a track record demonstrating programming skills and experience with the analysis of 'big data'. Experience with the programming of user interfaces is particularly welcome. Salary is comparable to a post-doctoral scientist. This position has the potential to become permanent.
For more details, see the Center website http://www.sfb680.uni-koeln.de/jobs.html
Applications and enquiries regarding individual positions should be directed to the lab heads (at the email addresses given on the Center website). Applications should include a CV, a list of publications, and a substantial research statement. Two letters of recommendation should be sent independently. The call is open until a position is filled; preferential consideration will be given to applications received before February 9, 2014.
The University of Cologne and its partner institutions are equal opportunity employers, as detailed on the Center website. People with disabilities will be given preferential treatment, given equal qualification and capability. Applications from women are explicitly encouraged and will be given particular consideration.