Applications are invited from enthusiastic and highly motivated candidates for a postdoctoral research position in the Centre for Chemical Biology within the Department of Chemistry, working with Dr Andrew Jamieson.
The Jamieson group works on the design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel peptidomimetics with application to the regulation of protein-protein interactions. This project involves the application of synthetic organic chemistry to conformationally constrain biologically relevant peptides and so is ideally suited to an experienced organic chemist who would like to further their knowledge of the biological evaluation of the compounds that they have prepared.
The successful candidate must have a PhD (or submitted) in organic chemistry or chemical biology and a strong publication and conference presentation track record. The position will provide an opportunity to develop supervisory and writing skills, providing ideal training for a career in industry or academia. Duties may also include assisting with the training and supervision of Ph.D. and final year MChem project students.
Informal enquiries are welcome and should be made to Dr Andrew Jamieson on or 0116 252 2105.
The closing date for this post is midnight on Thursday 30 January 2014.