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時(shí)間:2014-01-14來(lái)源:博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:91boshi

The Evolutionary Systematics group of the Institute of Botany seeks to hire a PostDoc with experience in practical field work (collection of samples mostly in Europe) and Next Generation Sequencing (wetlab and bioinformatic analysis of restriction site associated DNA [RAD] sequencing data). The position starts March or April 2014 (32 hrs/week employment for 36 months). Centring on the Alpine Space, the group's mission is interdisciplinary research, embedded in international collaboration networks. A list of research topics can be found at: http://www.uibk.ac.at/botany/research/biodiversity/vascular_plants/index.html.en.

The successful candidate will conduct NGS-based phylogeographic studies of a range of steppe organisms, including both plants and animals. The project consortium is international and includes members of the Universities of Innsbruck and Vienna (Austria), Lausanne (Switzerland) and the Real Jardín Botánico in Madrid (Spain). The project addresses the following issues: (1) Did the steppe biota colonize each Alpine dry valley independently or is there evidence for genetic exchange among the insular steppe habitats of different valleys? (2) What are the biogeographic connections of steppe biota from the Alpine dry valleys with other areas of steppe vegetation in Eurasia? (3) Are phylogeographic patterns seen in steppe plants and animals congruent, implying range shifts of entire communities or rather idiosyncratic suggesting individualistic responses to climatic oscillations? (4) Our phylogeographic approach will unravel intraspecific patterns of spatial differentiation and temporal diversification across steppe plant and animal lineages. These will then not only be compared to each other, but also to independent data sources. Changes of distribution ranges of our study taxa through time will be hindcasted using environmental niche modeling. A description of the project can be found at http://www.uibk.ac.at/botany/research/biodiversity/vascular_plants/steppe-flora.html.en).

1. collection of samples of steppe species in Europe (Alps, Eastern Europe) and Asia
2. optimization of a double digest RAD sequencing protocol for the study species, barcoding of individuals for pooled analyses
3. processing raw Illumina data and filtering of SNPs
4. phylogeographic and phylogenetic (BEAST, ABC-approaches, etc.) data analyses
5. species distribution modeling with Maxent
6. leading role in manuscript writing
7. contact and collaboration with scientists and laboratory technicians at the Molecular Ecology group, Institute of Ecology, Innsbruck University, as well as at other Austrian research facilities, and internationally

Selection criteria
A. PhD degree in life sciences
B. published research experience in molecular systematics / evolution / biogeography, especially using high-throughput sequencing data
C. proficiency in maintenance of Linux systems for bioinformatic purposes, Biopython, mysql, scripting languages (e.g. awk, Perl, R)
D. experience in the use of relevant software packages for phylogeographic / phylogenetic analyses
E. ability to conduct field work for several consecutive weeks
F. ability to work as part of a multi-disciplinary team
G. ability to work independently
H. very good knowledge of English
I. A driving license and experience in driving are obligatory for the collecting trips

The annual gross salary is Euro 48,968 for a three-year 32 hrs/week employment. The contract includes health insurance and 5 weeks of holidays annually.

How to apply
To apply, please submit by E-mail to : a cover letter, systematic point-by-point replies as to your readiness for the responsibilities and how you meet the selection criteria, brief statement of research interests, curriculum vitae, a complete list of publications and two reference letters.

Applications must be written in English. Consideration of applications will be ongoing until the position is filled.

The University of Innsbruck is striving to increase the percentage of female employees and therefore invites qualified women to apply. In the case of equivalent qualifications, women will be given preference. An offer of employment is contingent on a satisfactory pre-employment background check.

The research institution and its environment
Detailed information about the Evolutionary Systematics group can be found at http://www.uibk.ac.at/botany/units_research_groups/evolutionary_systematics.html.en. The University of Innsbruck has a long-standing and internationally renowned tradition in life sciences and offers a vibrant research atmosphere. It has 27,500 students and 4,000 staff members. Innsbruck is situated in the Alps and very close to Switzerland, Germany and Italy; scenery and outdoor recreation are fantastic.

More information needed?
For more information, please contact: Prof. Peter Schoenswetter peter.schoenswetter@uibk.ac.at



