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時間:2014-02-13來源:博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:91boshi

The crucial role of postdoctoral fellows for the advancement of science and innovation is well understood at the University of Vienna. In order to further strengthen their role as critically thinking, independent, autonomous and risk taking researchers and innovators, who will contribute to the benefit of academia and society at large, the University of Vienna will launch an initiative, the INDICAR Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme, to promote a new vision of postdoctoral training in the field of cancer research. The INDICAR Programme will cover a wide spectrum of research areas relevant for the European Research Area such as biology, bioinformatics, chemistry, physics, nursing science, pharmaceutical sciences and nutritional sciences. The University supports the possibility to develop an independent research project and provides mentoring, coaching and career development activities, in addition to optimal employment conditions, a competitive salary and family support.  


