Host institution. Leiden University (LU) is ranked in the top 70 of leading Universities worldwide and belongs to the highest ranked European Universities. LU is the oldest university in the Netherlands, offering education to about 15,000 students in a wide range of studies. The faculty of science has currently 1044 employees and 4022 students and covers a broad range of disciplines such as Astronomy, Biology, Bio-pharmaceutical Science, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Sciences, Mathematics and Physics.
Position. The position is available immediately in the group of dr. Gregory F. Schneider (Leiden Institute of Chemistry) in the framework of a European Research Council Starting Grant (ERC-Stg), BIOGRAPHENE (Graphene based biosensors). The overall goal of the project is to harvest the properties of single layer 2D materials (mainly graphene) in sensing applications. For example, the surface and the edges of graphene are expected to provide higher sensitivity and specificity in detecting and characterizing single molecules. Fundamental limits also exist in reaching an ultimate precision in detecting the dynamics of chemical and biological systems. The research will focus on two fundamental aspects: i) interface graphene with biological materials so that detection becomes sensitive and selective, and ii) understand and characterize the chemical reactivity and sensing characteristics of graphene edges. Exploiting the full potential offered by graphene (and other 2D crystals) as a material in sensing applications will only be possible through in-depth fundamental research of these two aspects together with exploting the two major advantages of graphene: its single-atom thickness (coinciding for example with the distance between two single nucleotide in DNA for example), and its excellent electrical conductivity.
The project is embedded in a highly multidisciplinary national and international collaboration scheme, with close links to experts in many different relevant areas, including nanofabrication, electron microscopy, material growth, surface chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, DNA and protein chemistry, physics, quantum physics, electrical engineering, high speed low noise electronics, surface analysis, probe microscopies, and also industries.
Starting date is open and the positions will be filled once suitable candidates are found.
Applicant’s background. We are looking for a highly qualified and motivated candidate with the ambition to carry out research in molecular nanoscience and graphene bioelectronics at the forefront of the field. The candidate should have demonstrated an excellent track record in a graphene-related research area and has expertise in device fabrication, lithographic techniques (photolithography, EBPG), transmission electron microscopy, (electro)chemistry, surface chemistry, nanoelectronics, and electrical engineering. Additional experience in single molecule detection techniques such as nanopores (including Labview and Matlab skills) will be an asset. The candidate must have a keen interest in broadening his expertise in the field of chemical biology. A PhD in Physics/Electrical Engineering, or in a discipline providing sufficient background device fabrication and electronic measurements, is required, and past experience at the PhD level in areas related to nanoelectronics (e.g., nanofabrication, field effect transistors, low-noise electronic measurements) is a plus. The candidate must be fluent in both written and spoken English.
Our favored candidates are independent, team workers, creative, like to push boundaries. We expect postdocs to also develop their own project ideas throughout the fellowship and to supervise students (BSc, MSc and PhDs).
Conditions of employment. Leiden University offers an attractive benefits package, including a flexible work week, and the option of assembling a customized compensation and benefits package. Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities. Appointment will be according to the terms of the Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch Universities (CAO Nederlandse Universiteiten), for a period of one year with subsequent possible extensions (up to three years in total after positive yearly evaluation). The gross monthly salary will be up to a maximum of 3.804 euro gross per month, depending on your level of experience. An appointment with Leiden University includes a pension build-up and facilitates other benefits such as an annual holiday premium of 8% and an end-of-year premium of 8.3%.
Application procedure. To apply, or for any further information regarding the position, please contact Dr. Gregory Schneider (g.f.schneider[AT] directly, by sending a cover letter explaining why you are interested in the position/research topic (applications without a cover letter will not be considered), a copy of your Curriculum Vitae (including list of grades), and the contact details of at least three professional references….