A postdoctoral position is available in the Department of Molecular Biology (www.molbiol.umu.se) at Umeå University, Sweden to study the mechanisms and control of mRNA stability in yeast. Projects include studying potential relationships between mRNA degradation and granules in aging as well as using a computational approach the examine the function of RNA granules. Highly motivated candidates with a strong interest in RNA biology are encouraged to apply. Candidates should have a PhD in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, or related fields, strong technical and communication skills, and an established publication record. Past experience working with RNA is an asset. If you are interested in joining our research team, please visit our web site (www.mrna-lab.org) for additional information. Interested candidates should send a CV, contact details for two references and a research statement describing research interests and career goals to Tracy Nissan, tracy.nissan@molbiol.umu.se...