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時(shí)間:2014-02-13來(lái)源:博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:91boshi

Appointment: 3 year appointment

Level:Academic Level A Step 3 – 4

School/Office:Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment

The Hawkesbury Institute’s multidisciplinary team of scientists is addressing key questions about the impact of environmental change on the function of the plants, animals and soil microbial organisms that inhabit the earth’s terrestrial ecosystems.

The Institute is seeking to appoint an energetic academic to a Level A position in the Hawkesbury Institute. This 3-year, full-time, Postdoctoral Fellowship will focus on research related to an Australian Research Council Discovery (ARCD) grant 'Getting to the root of the matter: predicting plant benefits from arbuscular mycorrhizal symbioses'. Massive efforts are underway to select beneficial root traits that enhance resource acquisition and productivity. These efforts are usually conducted while excluding mutually beneficial mycorrhizal partnerships, which include two-thirds of higher plants. These efforts are likely to lead to artifactual outcomes unless the modifying effects of these partnerships are considered. This research will identify plant and fungal traits that predict how mycorrhizal plants benefit under a variety of contexts, which will improve varietal selection and productivity gains in marginal environments.

The successful applicant will work with a team of scientists in the Hawkesbury Institute and colleagues from the Freie Universitaet Berlin and CSIRO Plant Industry. Applicants should have expertise within the broad areas of plant-microbe interactions, molecular microbial ecology, plant biology, or related fields.

Web: www.uws.edu.au/hawkesburyinstitute

Remuneration Package: Academic Level A $91,289 AUD to $96,851 AUD p.a (comprising Salary $77,140 AUD to $81,840 AUD p.a. plus 17% Superannuation and Leave Loading)

Position Enquiries: Dr Jeff Powell, +61 2 4570 1093, jeff.powell@uws.edu.au

Closing Date: 26 February 2014

How to Apply: Go to the web site http://uws.nga.net.au/cp/ and scroll to the job reference 080/14. Click on the reference number and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page on ‘How To Apply’….



