Uppsala University hereby declares the following positions to be open for application:
5 Postdoctoral Researchers
At department for Cell and Molecular Biology and Science for Life Laboratory.
Department of Cell and Molecular Biology (ICM) one of the most international, interdisciplinary and successful research departments in molecular biosciences in Europe. Its research covers fields from cell biology to biophysics.
Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab) is a national center for molecular biosciences that combines advanced technical competence and services with leading scientific research. SciLifeLab is a collaboration between the Karolinska Institutet, Uppsala University, Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm University.
The Elf research group is recruiting postdoctoral researchers that want to develop or use frontline methods of for studying dynamic processes in living cells at high spatial and temporal resolution. The postdocs will work in an interdisciplinary team of microbiologists, engineers, physicists, programmers, chemists and molecular biologists with the common goal to understand the cells control systems at the at the molecular level. Please see http://elflab.icm.uu.se/ for more information about the research in the Elf lab.
The positions are initially limited to one year but can be extended.
We are particularly looking for you if you are interested in:
1. Advanced light microscopy. Projects related to hardware development for single molecule in vivo tracking. Typical background: experimental physics, electrical engineering.
2. Microbiology. Projects related to understanding the dynamics of regulation in bacteria, including transcription regulation, small RNA mediated regulation, CRISPR, the translation processes or the bacterial cell cycle. Typical background: molecular biology/microbiology.
3. Synthetic Biology. Interest in developing new simplified regulatory circuits in bacteria that can be used to test quantitative physical models of biological processes. Typical background: biotechnology, biophysics, synthetic biology.
4. Labeling techniques for proteins and RNA in living cells using for example unnatural amino acids and RNA aptamers. Typical background: molecular-, or chemical biology.
5. Image/Data analysis of single molecule data from images or other time series typically using Bayesian inference techniques. Typical background: Mathematics /physics.
6. Microfluidics/Nanofabrication. Development of new ways to grow and manipulate microorganisms in microfluic devices. Typical background: engineering, nanotechnology.
7. Single molecule biophysics. Projects related to characterization of molecular dynamics in vitro or in vivo. Typical background: experimental biophysics
8. Molecular dynamics. Projects related to atomistic simulations of protein DNA interactions. Typical background: theoretical biophysics
If you do not find yourself in these categories but have a strong research track-record and a passion for science, please send us e-mail outlining your research interest and background anyway!
Qualifications required:
• Creative and self-motivated personality with interest in fundamental science or methods development
• Excellent problem solving skills.
• Good team working skills.
• PhD in relevant subject area.
• Excellent communication skills in English.
Qualification desired:
• Documented experience of solving complex scientific problems or methods development in at least one of the areas outlined above.
Application should include:
• Cover letter (max 1 page) where you describe (1) the scientific problems that you have found most interesting and how you worked to solve it, (2) in which of the research area above you are most skilled, and (3) if there are some scientific question or method that you are particularly interested in working with or solving .
• CV including list of publications
• Copy of official academic transcripts.
• Names, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers for three reference persons.
Other information
We are announcing 8 different research directions but will fill at the most 5 positions.
The starting dates and specific research topics are flexible and will be decided together with the selected candidates. Please indicate approximate starting date.
For further details about the position, please contact Dr. Irmeli Barkefors (irmeli barkefors@icm.uu.se ), phone +46-18-471 6681 or Prof. Johan Elf (johan.elf@icm.uu.se), phone +46-18-471 4678.
You are welcome to submit your application no later than Mar 23, Use the link http://www2.personalavd.uu.se/jobb/appform.php?lang=en&case=UFV-PA%202014/80 to access the application form.