Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research position in the fields of cardiac cell electrophysiology and live cell imaging at the Electrophysiology and Heart Modeling Institute LIRYC (Bordeaux, France).
The overall interest of our research group is in the sub-cellular mechanisms underlying the arrhythmogenicity of cardiac tissues in various models of cardiovascular diseases. Our experimental approach combines electrophysiology, live cell imaging, molecular biology techniques and computational modeling to identify the origin of ventricular tachycardia under acute and chronic pathological conditions.
Our research is conducted in the multidisciplinary environment of the Electrophysiology and Heart Modeling Institute (LIRYC) created in 2011 through a development program of the French government. Merging clinical, fundamental and theoretical approaches, the primary focus of LIRYC is the study and treatment of cardiac arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death. The institute gathers technical and human resources in the fields of clinical and fundamental electrophysiology, cell physiology, imaging, computer sciences, bioengineering, applied mathematics and modeling. The institute encompasses new research facilities including state-of-the art equipments such as combined catheter/X-ray large animal facility, 1.5T whole body MRI scanner, high-resolution dual optical imaging systems, 9.4T large bore MRI scanner and advanced technological platforms for cell/tissue imaging and electrophysiology.
The successful candidate will participate to a project focusing on pro-arrhythmic sub-cellular alterations of cardiac Purkinje fibers in large animal models of myocardial infarction. He/she will combine micro-electrode techniques with high resolution calcium imaging, and contribute to the development of advanced models of calcium-conduction interactivity.
Experience in cell (preferably cardiac) electrophysiology is essential. A good computer skill will be a relevant asset. Knowledge in live cell imaging, immunocytochemistry and/or standard molecular biology techniques (Western blot, RT-PCR, etc.) will be considered favorably.
The candidate should have a PhD (or equivalent) in biological or biomedical sciences and a solid background in cell electrophysiology (microelectrode, whole-cell voltage clamp, etc.).
Relevant attributes associated with the position are:
• Data management, analytical and computer skills
• Ability to design and implement experiments independently
• Good organizational and time management skills
• Aptitude for collaborative and team works
• Good communication and writing skills in English, as demonstrated by publications in peer-reviewed journals and conference presentations
• Aptitude for learning new skills and techniques
Wage will be based on salary scale of the University of Bordeaux and commensurate with professional experience.