We are seeking for motivated and talented graduate student and postdoctoral candidates with proven research-abilities to join our dynamic and international research community. Postdoctoral fellows should have previous experience in cell/molecular biology, developmental biology, evolutionary biology, imaging, bioinformatics, programming, or computational modeling. We are building teams where experimentalists and computational modelers work together, thus knowledge of disparate fields is not necessary.
The Academy of Finland funded Centre of Excellence programs are six year initiatives to foster new initiatives. The goal of our Centre of Excellence in Experimental and Computational Developmental Biology is to bridge computational models and experimental work on developing organs across multiple systems. We aim to determine how changes in development lead to different organ phenotypes, build realistic models of development and evolution of complex organs, and study the principles of modeling pattern formation. The main organ systems we work on are mammalian tooth, hair, mammary gland and fly wing. We use both established laboratory species (mice, fruit fly) and non-model species (different mammalian, fly, and reptile species). We are seeking for motivated and talented graduate student and postdoctoral candidates with proven research-abilities to join our dynamic and international research community. Postdoctoral fellows should have previous experience in cell/molecular biology, developmental biology, evolutionary biology, imaging, bioinformatics, programming, or computational modeling. We are building teams where experimentalists and computational modelers work together, thus knowledge of disparate fields is not necessary. The document should include a short cover letter describing your expertise areas and motivation for the position, CV (max 2 pages), and names and contact information of two to three references. Applications are reviewed as they are received. The Institute of Biotechnology (BI) is an independent non-profit research and educational institute at the University of the Helsinki, located in the Viikki Biocenter of the Helsinki Science Park. BI's strategy is to carry our high quality research. With over 30% of the academic staff being foreigners, BI is one the most international research units in Finland. BI has research programs in Developmental Biology, Molecular Cell Biology, Genome Biology, and Structural Biology & Biophysics.