Post doc position for the characterization of target antigens in autoimmune skin blistering diseases and the development of novel therapeutic strategies for these disorders at the Department of Dermatology in Lübeck, Germany, member of the Excellence ClusterInflammation@Interfaces. Despite the advances in our understanding of autoimmune bullous disorders, many details in their pathogenesis are still unknown. Furthermore, specific therapeutic interventions for these diseases are lacking. The aim of one project is to further characterize the fine specificities of autoantibodies and explore their pathogenic potential. The work will involve protein chemistry including molecular biology, expression and purification of proteins, Western blotting, ELISA, cell culture, and, to a smaller part, experiments with mouse models. The position is integrated in an international team of post docs, PhD students, and technicians that all work on different aspects of autoimmune blistering diseases. We are looking for a candidate that is highly motivated and would like to join our international team. The position is available starting May 1st, 2014 for initially 12 months with prolongation being anticipated.
Who you are:
• self-motivated, creative and detail-oriented with excellent problem-solving skills, and have teamwork competency but can also work highly independently
• preferably have genetics and/or immunology experience
• have good written and oral communication skills in English
• have a strong passion for science
We offer:
• Salary in accordance with German standards
• Individualized supervision and mentoring
• Excellence research environment
• Your full CV
• A cover letter outlining your qualification for this position
• A list of your methods and techniques
via e-mail to Dr. Susanne Lemcke ( Department of Dermatology, University of Lübeck, Lübeck, Germany.
Applications will be reviewed until the position is filled.