The position:
A position is available for a postdoctoral fellow interested in the systems biology of tumor-associated immune cells (TAICs) and their role in the progression of cancer. The selected candidate will use mass cytometry (CyTOF) data to generate and refine signaling network models to describe TAIC plasticity. Our ultimate goal is to predict and validate network modulations that control TAIC plasticity. The candidate will perform experiments AND drive the development of the systems biology network model. The postdoctoral fellow will be located at the University of Zurich and will interact with Roche research groups. This project is supported by SystemsX, the Swiss Initiative in Systems Biology for 2 years with the option to extend for a third year.
The successful candidate will:
• Systematically modulate and reprogram TAICs to change their functional state at the bench
• Become proficient in mass cytometry (CyTOF), a recently developed high-capacity single-cell proteomics technology with the potential to establish this new technology as a key tool for pharmaceutical research
• Use mass cytometry data to generate network models to predict in silico optimal modulation strategies
• Experimentally validate predictions to discover potential new targets for therapeutic intervention
• Aim for results relevant for human health, publishable in highly visible journals
Who you are:
A highly motivated Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D. with a passion for science who would like to work in a collaborative, multidisciplinary research field that combines systems biology, biomedicine, bioinformatics, molecular biology, and analytical sciences. Ideally you:
• Acquired your Ph.D. recently (max. 4 years ago)
• Have the ability to perform wet lab experiments AND network modeling/systems biology analyses
• Have a desire to work with biological samples, and also enjoy using complex instrumentation and analyzing large scale datasets
• Have published in high ranking journals
• Are highly motivated
• Have proficiency in English, German is optional
Important note: The start date for this position must be before April 1, 2014. These positions may begin in February and applications will be considered until the positions are filled.
Apply by:
Send a cover letter (including an explanation of your motivation), CV, and at least two references to Prof. B. Bodenmiller to
Prof. Bernd Bodenmiller, Institute of Molecular Life Sciences, University of Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland.…