We have a postdoctoral position for a candidate interested in computational biology, genetics and statistical genetics. We are carrying out a hybrid resequencing program on complex families with preterm birth and preeclampsia. We have used semantic data mining and natural language processing to build databases fro both disorders which contain aggregated candidate genes and variants from literature, large data sets and pathway (Uzun et al, Database, 2012; Uzun et al, Genomics, 2013 ). We seek postdoctoral candidates with experience in variant analysis from deep sequencing data, database management and statistical genetics. Strong knowledge in programming languages and database management (PERL, MySQL, PHP) are required as well as proficiency in statistical programs such as R and/or SAS. Candidate should know enough about high-performance computing to write efficient code in any languages mentioned above. Candidate should also be familiar with IGV, UCSC Genome Browser, GATK, GenePattern programs. Knowledge of graph theory and network analysis are also essential.