A 3 years post-doctoral position (from June 2014) is available in the “Cell Adhesion and Mechanics” lab, Institute Jacques Monod (IJM), CNRS, University Paris-Diderot, Paris, France.
The shaping of multicellular body plan, the maintenance and repair of adult tissues require fine tuning of cell adhesion and transmission of mechanical load from cell to cell. Over the last years a growing field of research has focused on sensing of extracellular matrix mechanical properties by cells. This mechanosensing has been shown to affect cell shape, migration, survival and differentiation as well as cell fate decision of stem cells. Within tissues, the mechanical load imposed by the physical properties of the environment is also transmitted from cell to cell. However, how do cells adapt and respond to mechanical properties of neighboring cells, transmit forces and transform mechanical signals in chemical ones at cell-cell contacts remain fully open questions.
The project focuses on the determination of the molecular and cellular mechanisms of cadherin-based intercellular junction formation, mechano-sensing and mechanotransduction. Successful applicants are expected to possess training and research experience in cell biology and biophysics or cell biology and biochemistry and the willingness to work in an interdisciplinary environment.
The IJM is a major research center of the CNRS. The institute provides a progressive and research-led environment with more than 30 teams working in the fields of Genome and Epigenomes, Evolution and Development and Cell Biology and Biophysics. IJM is generously equipped with state-of-the-art imaging and proteomics core facilities.
The “Cell Adhesion and Mechanics” lab is an interdisciplinary team, formed of Biologist and Physicists working together. Recently implanted at IJM, the team is funded by ANR, HFSP and ERC (Benoit Ladoux, consolidating grant 2014-2019).
Interested applicants should email curriculum vitae, statement of research interests and names of three references to R.M. Mège (Mege.Rene-Marc@ijm.univ-paris-diderot.fr) or B. Ladoux (benoit.ladoux@univ-paris-diderot.fr).